Team Ameelio


Team Ameelio

September 5, 2024


3 min

Back to School Behind Bars: How Ameelio is Empowering Incarcerated Learners through Education

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Back to School Behind Bars: How Ameelio is Empowering Incarcerated Learners through Education

The air is crisp, fresh apples fill the stores, and football season is back. That can only mean one thing: fall has arrived, and school is back in session. As millions of students across the country return to the classroom, there’s another group preparing to get back to their studies: incarcerated individuals.

In 2023, Ameelio partnered with the Reentry Campus Program (RCP) in Rhode Island to provide incarcerated individuals with postsecondary education resources through secure tablets, all at no cost. Today, 111 students are enrolled in the program. Each student has access to a tablet, allowing them to explore a variety of college-level courses, including business, math, humanities, technology, and the sciences. These courses are designed to help students prepare for standardized tests, making it easier for them to pursue college degrees through non-traditional formats. Through this program, RCP offers up to 30 college credits—equivalent to one year of education—completely free of charge.

Thomas Harmon, a graduate of Roger Williams University, former RCP student, and now Pathway Coordinator for the program, shared his excitement for the new academic year. “It’s always a rewarding experience to be in a position to help individuals change their lives, especially through education. In such divisive and polarizing times, education continues to prove itself as the great equalizer.”

Harmon also expressed optimism for the returning students. "Now that they've had a full year's experience working with the tablets while managing their respective college programs, I expect to see huge improvements in test scores," he added.

Studies show that participation in educational programs reduces recidivism rates by 17-19%, while further education improves post-release employment opportunities and wages. Education is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of incarceration, providing a path to successful reentry.

Ameelio is excited to collaborate with RCP and the Rhode Island Department of Corrections to continue offering incarcerated individuals access to transformative educational resources.

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